Sunday, September 29, 2013

Daily Five!

September 29, 2013

Daily Five!
Rotations for my Daily Five are going well. The kids are getting the hang of working independently and making choices.  I definitely have some that I need to keep a close eye on.

This week we were working with a non-fiction reading story called "Animal Moms and Dads"in our Treasure series.  I made a cut, paste, and write activity for Read to Self as one of the tasks this week.  The students had to match the animal baby to its mother.  Then they had to tell me some sentences about what they know about those animals.  We are also writing our "How to" books in Work on Writing.  I made some phonics sorts with an animal theme to match the stories of the week.
Take a look!

Here is what my one page looked like.  I added handwriting lines before I copied it.  I did this in Publisher and used the clipart within it.

The phonics sort for word work was also given an animal theme and a few words to practice for spelling.

I am trying to get the students to be independent when looking for words too.  I introduced the dictionary this week and they loved looking for the word that they needed.

We finally have our I pad cart up and running so I was able to have some children work on them during the Word Work part of the Daily 5.  There is an awesome app called Build a Word Express which lets me have students practice the vowel sound/word family of the week and then test them on it.  It is a great way to collect data so that I can differentiate their instruction.

This is what the app button looks like in the  iTunes App store. Check it out!

Have a wonderful week!

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